Localized Electrodeposition of Microscale Copper - Chinese Research Features Exaddon μAM Technology

August 18, 2022 by
Localized Electrodeposition of Microscale Copper - Chinese Research Features Exaddon μAM Technology
Edward White
Pure copper structures printed by Ren et al (2022 Int.J. Extrem. Manuf. 4) using Exaddon's CERES μAM print system.
Pure copper structures printed using Exaddon's CERES μAM print system.

A Chinese research collaboration between members of Jilin University and Changchun University of Science and Technology (CUST) describes their use of localized electrochemical deposition (using the Exaddon CERES system) to additively manufacture microscale copper structures. 

Published in the International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, the paper details mechanical properties, morphology, and chemical composition of pure copper structures printed with the CERES system (referred to in the paper as LECD-μAM).

The team conducted various analyses of mechanical properties, in part utilizing an in situ nanoindenter (Alemnis AG, Switzerland) to measure the compressive mechanical properties of helical copper springs. 

Results are very notable, for example, shear modulus of the helical spring material was much higher than bulk copper; 60.8 GPa compared to ∼44.2 GPa.

According to Wanfei Ren (CUST):

These results delineate a new way of fabricating terahertz transmitter components and micro-helical antennas [...] This technology has high manufacturing precision, good quality, high deposition rates, and high repeat positioning accuracy. The manufacturable structure does not require masks or cantilevers, and there is a high aspect ratio."

Localized electrodeposition micro additive manufacturing of pure copper microstructures.
Wanfei Ren et al 2022 Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 4 015101

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Localized Electrodeposition of Microscale Copper - Chinese Research Features Exaddon μAM Technology
Edward White August 18, 2022
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